Inmates of the Madison County Jail have access to the following programs and services:

HIP 2.0 Enrollment

Your loved one can sign up free for the Healthy Indiana Plan.

Faith-based Services

Worship services are offered in the jail once per week. Eligible offenders are allowed to attend as a congregation facilitated by several area churches who volunteer and rotate weekly.
Offenders also have access to our chaplaincy program in which chaplains will counsel with them one on one when requested.

No More Excuses

This program is a group for offenders, addicted to drugs or alcohol, who have shown a real interest in making changes in the life they are leading. 

Celebrate  Recovery

This is a Christ-centered, 12-step recovery program for anyone struggling with hurt, pain or addiction of any kind.

Aspire Indiana

This is a fully integrated health system that addresses all aspects of health, including primary care and behavioral health.

Recovery Works

This program focuses on pre-incarceration diversion services and post-incarceration re-entry services

Tablet-based Programs

The tablet-based programs include: education, law library, religious, ebooks, job search, self-help and podcasts. 
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